Christine + James

Saturday, October Twenty-Fifth, Two Thousand Twenty-Five • Culpeper, VA
226 Days To Go!

Christine + James

Saturday, October Twenty-Fifth, Two Thousand Twenty-Five • Culpeper, VA
226 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Sara Rodriguez
Sara Rodriguez - Maid of Honor
Sara and I met at our Dad's work party when we were 3 years old! Our Freshman year we reconnected and we continue to be not only best friends, but family.
Anna Crawford
Anna Crawford - Bridesmaid
Anna is a sister I gained 14 years ago! She always reminded me how strong of a woman I was whenever I questioned it. Thank you for being such a huge part of my and Ryland's life and now Madison and James'.
Katie Salamanca
Katie Salamanca - Bridesmaid
Katie and I met 8 or 9 years ago! She is a beautiful friend and mom who has one of the kindest souls!
Laura Rodriguez
Laura Rodriguez - Bridesmaid
Laura is a sister I gained 14 years ago! She has always been a supportive Aunt who helped me take care of Ryland when he was a baby. Now she is a great mom, who loves her boys so much!
Savanna Farrell
Savanna Farrell - Bridesmaid
Savanna and I met when we were just kids! I was in elementary school and she was barely out of diapers. Her, Gabby, and I were always together, I practically lived at their house. I had the real honor of being there for her first day of Kindergarten, learning to ride a bike, meeting her now husband, graduating high school, and now becoming a mommy!
Gabby Cramer
Gabby Cramer - Bridesmaid
My other sister who I met when she was still in diapers! She was the girl who would jump in the creek and help any animal that needed it. Gabby was a huge part of my childhood and I am so incredibly proud of the woman she is today.
Latajia Carthens
Latajia Carthens - Bridesmaid
I first met Tay in our high school Spanish class, she was not with it and either was I! We reconnected at Outback Steakhouse, this is where she kept me fed when I was pregnant with Ryland. We both went on to work for Mission BBQ and we BOTH run our own locations now. Our daughters are now besties!
Whitney - Bridesmaid
Whitney and I met at Mary Washington Hospital! She was the first person who made me feel welcomed and built my confidence. She also had the same sick sense of humor I did, which ultimately made her my best friend! I will never forget our first crying laugh together, when I "broke" on the vital machine.
Ceara Thacker
Ceara Thacker - Bridesmaid
Ceara is my soon to be sister-in-law! I first met her when she was 16 years old and we quickly became close.